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Nintendo of America President talks Switch 2 Rumors

Doug Bowser talks about Switch 2 rumours and the transition from the current generation to the next.

Doug Bower - Nintendo of America President
Doug Bower – Nintendo of America President talks Switch succesor

In an interview with Inverse, the President of Nintendo of America, Doug Bowser revealed some new information on Nintendo’s future plans, and even talked about the rumors of Nintendo’s next console Switch 2 (Name not official).

When Doug Bowser was asked by Inverse about the rumors on the Switch successor being showed behind closed doors at this years Gamescom and how Nintendo is planning on making the transfer from the current Switch to a new generation console as comfortable as possible he replied:

Well, first I can’t comment — or I won’t comment, I should say — on the rumors that are out there. But one thing we’ve done with the Switch to help with that communication and transition is the formation of the Nintendo Account. In the past, every device we transitioned to had a whole new account system. Creating the Nintendo Account will allow us to communicate with our players if and when we make a transition to a new platform, to help ease that process or transition.

Our goal is to minimize the dip you typically see in the last year of one cycle and the beginning of another. I can’t speak to the possible features of a new platform, but the Nintendo Account is a strong basis for having that communication as we make the transition.

Nintendo company president Shuntaro Furukawa commented on on how they are working with the Nintendo Account to make the transition to the next console as smooth as possible back in June. So Bowser did not really reveal any new information this time. But it does seem like the transition to the Switch successor is going to be much cleaner and smoother than the previous transitions.

Switch 2 backwards compatible?

What we can take from this is that Nintendo is probably going to use the Nintendo Account as a cloud service to link the two consoles data together once the Switch 2 comes out. In that way, the users can transfer the data from the Switch to the Switch 2. Hypothetically, if Nintendo decides to make the Switch 2 backwards compatible, you will be able to play with the same amount of in-game progress as you did on the Switch. Or, Nintendo will just use this feature to make it easier for you to log in to the console, E-shop, Nintendo Online and more.

We do not know for sure how this will work at this point, but we will probably know for sure sometime next year.

Article written by: Polypix

Posted 8 months ago

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