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Nintendo shuts down online services for Wii U and 3DS

Nintendo announces that Wii U and 3DS no longer will have online communication support as of next year.

Wii U and 3DS ends online support
Wii U and 3DS ends online support

Nintendo of America announced on October 3rd that they are ending online play and functionality for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U as of early April 2024. This announcement came through a tweet on Nintendo of Americas official X (former Twitter) account. See the tweet below:

The link inside the tweet takes you to the support page where there is a list of questions and answers:

  • You will still be able to play games offline that does not require online communication.
  • Pokémon Bank and Poké Transporter will still be avaliable but may also end its services in the future.
  • Online services from other publishers than Nintendo will also end but with a few exceptions.
  • It will still be able to download update data and purchased software from Nintendo eShop.
  • StreetPass will still be avaliable, but not SpotPass, since that uses online communication.

For the full list and more details, see the link here.

This clearly marks as a end of an era for both Wii U and 3DS, like a final nail to their coffins. Nintendo tried several times in the marketing campaign of the Switch to convince their customers that Switch would not replace the Wii U or 3DS. But only a few months in to Switch’s lifespan, production of Wii U and 3DS games decreased significantly until the production came to an halt all together.

Article written by: Polypix

Posted 9 months ago