Majoras Mask Randomizer generator is now available online
You can now generate a Zelda Majoras Mask seed directly online.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to play a Zelda game where all the items are shuffled, making them available in different locations than where they were originally found? Then you should check out a Zelda Randomizer; A modded version of the original game.
Plenty of these modded versions are available online, but most require you to download software called a Seed Generator to shuffle the items around. Ocarina of Time Randomizer has had a generator available online for a while now, making it unnecessary to download any software to your PC or Mac. Instead, you generate a file called a ‘seed’ directly online.
Majoras Mask Randomizer for Mac
The Legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask has had a working randomizer for years, but it has only been available as downloadable software installed through a .exe file. A .exe file is a Windows-only file; therefore, generating a seed for Majoras Mask Randomizer has not necessarily been impossible but very difficult for Mac users.
However, recently, a working online generator for Majoras Mask Randomizer appeared online called MMR. The generator is still in its early stages, but it seems to work fine for the most part, making life a lot simpler for not only Mac users, but pretty much everyone.
Check out the online generator for Majoras Mask Randomizer here.
To generate a seed, you will need a working The Legend of Zelda Majoras Mask ROM US ver 1.0.
Generating your seed offers plenty of options. You can even generate a Race Seed optimized for racing with your friends.

More Zelda Randomizer content
If you are having trouble completing your seed for Zelda: Ocarina of Time Randomizer, check out our list of all items and where to find them.
We also have guides on all hidden grottos and all Business scrubs in Ocarina of Time, two beneficial guides if you’re having trouble completing your Ocarina of Time Randomizer seed.