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All Wonder Flowers in W6 Deep Magma Bog – Super Mario Bros Wonder

This is where to find all the Wonder Flowers in W6 - Deep Magma Bog in Super Mario Bros Wonder

Mario Wonder Flower
Super Mario Bros Wonder – Wonder Flower

This is the seventh part of the guide Where to find all Wonder Flowers in Super Mario Bros Wonder. See the list below for the other parts of the guide. The guide will be updated with more flower locations in the coming days.

Part 1 – All Wonder Flowers in W1 – Pipe-Rock Plateau

Part 2 – All Wonder Flowers in Petal Isles

Part 3 – All Wonder Flowers in W2 -Fluff-Puff Peaks

Part 4 – All Wonder Flowers in W3 – Shining Falls

Part 5 – All Wonder Flowers in W4 – Sunbaked Desert

Part 6 – All Wonder Flowers in W5 – Fungi Mines

Part 7 – All Wonder Flowers in W6 – Deep Magma Bog (You are here)

Part 8 – All Wonder Flowers in Special World

W6 – Deep Magma Bog – All Wonder Flowers

Deep Magma Bog can be reached once you’ve completed 15 Wonder Seeds in Petal Isles. This area contains 30 Wonder Seeds in total. This is all the Wonder Flowers in W6 – Deep Magma Bog:

Where the Rrrumbas Rule

Raarghs in the Ruins

Pull, Turn, Burn

Hot-Hot Hot!

Wavy Ride through the Magma Tube

Dragon Boneyard

Deep Magma Bog Flying Battleship

Deep Magma Bog Palace

Where the Rrrumbas Rule Wonder Flower location

To find the Wonder Flower in Where the Rrrumbas Rule you first need to find the checkpoint flag and continue to the right for a bit. You will eventually find four yellow stone blocks that you will need to “domino” down. Jump down the ramp and into the “cave”. Once you’re down. you will see a glowing Rrrumba start rolling on the floor above you. He will soon fall down onto your floor. Defeat him with a ground-pound attack and he will drop a Wonder Flower.

Rrrumbas Rule Wonder Flower location

When you pick up the Wonder Flower, you will transform into a spike ball. Roll your way down the cave system and collect the Wonder Seed at the end. Beware of the lava though.

Rrrumbas Rule Wonder Effect

Raarghs in the Ruins Wonder Flower location

In Raarghs in the Ruins, the Wonder Flower is located near the end of the course inside of a labyrith. Once youve got the last checkpoint of the course, continue straight into the labyrinth and you will see the Wonder Flower. Complete the labyrith by first jump down one square, then continue straight untill you hit the purple warp pipe. Then jump up one square and then to the left. Jump up one square and continue two squares the the left. Jump down one square and then reach the Wonder Flower by moving one square to the right. Watch out for the Raarghs inside of the labyrinth though.

Raarghs in the Ruins Wonder Flower location

The Wonder Effect will cause lava to move down from the ceiling and the perspective to change to a top-down view. You will need to escape the lava by making your way down the labyrinth until you reach the Wonder Seed. And once again… watch out for the Raarghs inside the labyrinth.

Raarghs in the Ruins Wonder Effect

Pull, Turn, Burn Wonder Flower location

About halfway through Pull, Turn, Burn you will encounter a giant happy Goomba statue. Grab the handle on his forehead and pull it to start turning his mouth and eyebrows. Keep pulling until he looks angry and the Wonder Flower will spawn.

Pull, Turn, Burn Wonder Flower location

You will fall down into lava, but do not worry, you will not take any damage. Swim down the lava and you will fall further down a deep hole. The room at the bottom is very dark. Find the five Wonder Tokens in the dark and you will be rewarded with a Wonder Seed.

Pull, Turn, Burn Wonder Effect

Hot-Hot Hot! Wonder Flower location

About halfway through Hot-Hot Hot, you will see a dead flower outside a cave entrance. Use Elephant form to water the flower with your trunk or get one of the pots filled with water and throw it at the flower. The Wonder Flower will appear.

Hot-Hot Hot! Wonder Flower location

To get the Wonder Seed you need to collect all five Wonder Tokens. use the big waterbubbles to reach the tokens by swimming in them.

Wavy Ride through the Magma Tube Wonder Flower location

Wavy Ride through the Magma Tube is one of the more difficult courses. To find the Wonder Flower, ride the stone-elevator/platform until you see an item block. the item-block will change between a talking flower and a Wonder Flower. Time your jump correctly so that you hit the item-block when the Wonder Flower is showing.

Wavy Ride through the Magma Tube Wonder Flower location

The Wonder Effect will spawn a giant fiery statue, shooting fireballs at you. Dodge all the fireballs. Survive until the end of the event, and you will be rewarded with a Wonder Seed.

Dragon Boneyard Wonder Flower location

The Wonder Flower in Dragon Boneyard is located just past the second checkpoint-flag. On top of a fossil, you will see a radiating golden light. Use a ground-pound attack on the light to draw out the Wonder Flower.

Dragon Boneyard Wonder Flower location

The fossil will turn into a living dragon. Ride the dragon while dodging enemies and obstacles. Survive the whole way til the end and be rewarded with a Wonder Seed.

Deep Magma Bog Flying Battleship Wonder Flower location

The Wonder Flower in Deep Magma Bog Flying Battleship is located just past the first checkpoint-flag. The flower will be trapped inside a square of yellow blocks. Go past the flower and you will see a yellow button in the ceiling with a question mark on it. Hit it and the yellow blocks will disappear, clearing the path to the Wonder Flower. But be quick, if you’re not fast enough the camera will pan past both the Wonder Flower and the button and you will have to try over again.

Deep Magma Bog Flying Battleship Wonder Flower location

Deep Magma Bog Palace Wonder Flower location

Deep Magma Bog Palaces Wonder Flower is located very close to the first checkpoint-flag. There is a dried-up magic flower on a platform in the middle of a rotating fossil that will turn into a Wonder Flower if watered. Grab one of the water-filled pots to the right of the flag and toss it into the gap of the rotating fossil.

Deep Magma Bog Palace Wonder Flower location
Deep Magma Bog Palace Wonder Flower location part 2

Once again you will turn into a goo-monster. Keep going right, and when the ceiling opens up, walk up alongside the wall.

Deep Magma Bog Palace Wonder Seed location

Jump over to one of the floating rotating fossils and walk on the fossils to make your way upward. At the top of the room, there will be a rotating fossil with a Wonder Seed in the middle of it.

Article written by: Polypix

Posted 1 year ago

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